
History of India Questions: Indus Valley Civilization

Questions and Answers – The Great Indus Valley Civilization and the mature phase Harappan Civilization of the Indian Subcontinent

An Introduction:

Indus Valley civilization which is also referred as Harappan civilization is of the largest cities of its time. This civilization was discovered in 1920 – 22 with the excavation of two of its most important sites i.e., Harappa on the banks of the river Ravi and Mohenjodaro on the banks of the Indus. It is quite evident from the findings that Harappan civilization is one of the oldest civilizations of the world which has been dated between 2600 B.C. – 1900 B.C.
The Indus Valley civilization is called the Harappan civilization because Harappa was the first site where the unique archaeological evidences of the civilization were discovered.
The different phases of Harappan culture are as stated below:
(1) Early Harappan phase (3500 B.C. – 2600 B.C.)
(2) Mature Harappan phase (2600 B.C. – 1900 B.C.)
(3) Late Harappan phase (1900 B.C. – 1400 B.C.)
The following questionnaires would help you to understand the topic in a detail from your exam point of view.
Sr. No. QuestionsAnswers
1.Source of the Indus river is at ______, near the ______ Lake in Tibet.Singikabab, Mansarover
2.The five main tributaries of Indus river are:Jhelum, Sutlej, Beas, Ravi and Chenab
3.The mature phase of Indus Valley civilization (2600–1900 BCE) is known as.Harappan Civilization
4.The ruins of Harrappa near  Sahiwal in Punjab, Pakistan were first discovered in 1842 by _____.Charles Masson, an East India Company soldier and explorer.
5.Who published the first Harappan seal?Alexander Cunningham
6.Harappan seals have been found in which foreign civilization?Mesopotamian
7.The Great Bath ruins of the Indus Valley Civilization are at _____.Mohenjo-daro
8.The prevalence of overseas trade in Harappan Culture is obvious with the discovery of a massive trading station and dock. Where is it?Coastal city of Lothal in western India (Gujarat state)
9.State TRUE or FALSE
a) The Indus valley seals show “OM” symbol.
b) The Mango tree was worshipped in Harappan civilization as a sacred tree.
c) Lord ‘Ram’ was an important male god of Harappans who is still worshipped in India.
d) People of the Indus Valley Civilization had developed a writing system.
e) Indus Civilization went into decline in about 1700 B.C. by the invasion of “Aryans”.
f) No weapons of offence and no sign of warfare is discovered at Indus Cities
a) FLASE – Swastikas
b) FALSE – Peepal Tree
c) FALSE – Shiva lingam have been found in the Harappan remains
e) FALSE – This theory has been rejected by many scholars and there has been no surety of its decline.
11.A commonly believed natural reason for the Indus Valley Civilization’s decline is connected with ______.climate change
12.Various settlement of Indus Valley Civilization has been discovered along and inside the river beds of the ______ rivers.Ghaggar Hakra river system
13.Indus Valley Civilization covered which modern day Indian states?Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana, and Punjab
14.Name the islands, the fifth largest Harappan site in the Indian subcontinent where the Indus Valley sites have been found.Dholavira, Kachchh district of Gujarat, India.
15.The Indus Valley site discovered in India are:Manda on the Beas River near Jammu and Alamgirpur on the Hindon River, near Delhi

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